What is AWS Well-Architected?

AWS Well-Architected Framework helps you weigh the pros and cons of AWS system design solutions. The Framework teaches you how to develop and execute reliable, efficient, and cost-effective workloads on the AWS Cloud. Moreover, you can utilize the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Well-Architected Framework to create and run a secure, high-performing, resilient, and efficient system architecture. And collaborate with cloud specialists like Aufsite to do an AWS Well-Architected Review, which involves examining architectures for inefficiencies and then making recommendations and proposing improvement plans based on AWS best practices.

The Importance of Applying AWS Architectural Best Practices:

The Well-Architected Program is intended to provide high-level standards and guidelines to assist you in developing and maintaining secure, dependable, performant, cost-effective, and operationally outstanding applications on the AWS Cloud.

Gain an understanding of the pros and cons that apply to the decisions made when designing and building systems on AWS. By following the guidance provided by the AWS Well-Architected Framework and cloud experts, you will be able to measure your architecture against proven best practices, and more rapidly identify areas that may need improvement. From there, you can subsequently develop and implement improvement plans that will help reduce risks in your workloads.


  • Reduced timelines for building and deploying (Operational Excellence & Performance Efficiency): Consistently implement processes and procedures on a robust infrastructure to increase productivity and enable faster app development and deployment. And use computing resources effectively to satisfy system needs and to sustain that effectiveness as demand and technology advance.
  • Reduced risk (Security): Identify concerns before they become problems by doing a complete assessment of your systems with a cloud specialist like Aufsite, utilizing the AWS Well-Architected Framework.
  • Uniformity (Reliability): AWS Well-Architected establishes a standardized and time-tested process for reviewing designs on a regular basis.
  • Cost-cutting (Cost Optimization): Use cost optimization techniques to improve the efficiency of services and resources in order to achieve business goals at the lowest possible cost.

Interested in learning more about AWS Well-Architected? Email us today at sales@aufsite.com.


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