Collaborate with Cloud Experts to Understand Licensing Options

You can collaborate with cloud experts from Aufsite to create a migration strategy that makes use of Amazon Web Services Optimization and Licensing Assessment (AWS OLA) to save expenses and optimize compute for your cloud approach. By using this free service, you can accurately examine the Microsoft workloads that are currently operating in your on-premises or cloud environment, enabling you to make educated decisions about how to model your infrastructure for AWS, including the implications of licensing needs. The tools collect information about how your environment is being used now, so you can figure out how much it will cost to move to the cloud, figure out how many applications will need each other, and figure out how much it will cost to move to the cloud.

How to Increase Microsoft Workload Visibility?

In order to plan and implement your move to the cloud, you should work with cloud experts like Aufsite and AWS OLA Data to make sure your Microsoft workloads on AWS are the right size and cost the right amount. An AWS OLA report and your current licensing status may help you think about whether to use Microsoft Volume Licenses (BYOL) or AWS License Included (LI) instances in the cloud.

An LI instance could also be used by your company instead of bringing in its own licenses to use the service. This means you don’t have to buy licenses that are based on peak usage and lock you in for 36 months. This allows AWS and cloud experts like Aufsite to make clear, data-backed, optimized, and cost-effective licensing suggestions that are easy to understand.


  • Cost-effective: Learn how AWS OLA instance suggestions may help you save money on licenses and computing power.
  • AWS OLA tools: Cloud experts may be able to help you by giving you information about how they use AWS OLA tools and how well they know how to use licenses.
  • Accelerated Migrations: To facilitate faster migrations, evaluate and optimize your existing Microsoft workloads on AWS.
  • Full data analysis: Using OLA-generated data, compare the claims of competing cloud providers with AWS.

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